Med. Weter. 21 (4), 193-256, 1965


Leukemia in cattle in the Koszalin province . . Meuszyński S. [digitized] 193
The clinical and laboratory diagnosis of indigestion in ruminants Janiak T. [digitized] 195
The treatment of indigestion in cattle Tarkiewicz S. [digitized] 198
The effectiveness of the oral and parenteral administration of preparations of iron in the prevention of anaemia in piglets Uziębło L.,
Uziębło B.
[digitized] 201
The boneforming action of Sc samum indicum in rats Szczepański J., Reutt H., Rożkowski K. [digitized] 205
Mycoplasmosis of the respiratory tracts of birds in Poland Marek K., Cąkała A. [digitized] 208
The agglutination properties of the serum of the hare for Pasteurella tularensis and Brucella Tropiło J., Mól H. [digitized] 210
Serological investigations of fur-farm foxes for leptospirosis Górski J., Koślak A. [digitized] 211
Veterinary parasitology in Poland, 1961—1964 Tarczyński S. [digitized] 214
An attempt to administer carbon tetrachloride intramuscularly in the control of Distoma in cattle Kołacz J. W. [digitized] 217
Mechanical milking and the state of the udders in cow Kowalczyk S. [digitized] 219
Effect of the quantity of sperm and degree of dilution of the semen on the fertility of sows Jarosz S., Sergiejew N. I. [digitized] 222
N-acetylo-neuraminic acid and its role in defensive reactions of the organism Jusko-Grundboeck J. [digitized] 224
The effect of Si02 on the development of specific changes in the organs of guinea-pigs in the peritoneal administration of lyophilized
inoculations of B.C.G
Kotz J., Derubska B. [digitized] 227
Investigation of the activity of enzymes in experimental toxic hepatitis in dogs Slesingr L. [digitized] 229
Supplementary drugs in the treatment of myoglobinuria in horses Jaworski K, Glodek S. [digitized] 231
Operation after the perforation of stomach and intestines in a pig Jakubik E. [digitized] 231
Disciplinary-administrational procedure in veterinary medicine Lutyński W. [digitized] 232