Med. Weter. 18 (5), 257-320, 1962


The use of isotopes in microbiology Decowski M. [digitized] 257
Postmortem diagnosis of intoxication of animals with sodium chloride based upon own investigations Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 261
Heematuria vesicalis bovis chronic Pinkie wic z E. [digitized] 266
Treatment of anaemia of piglets with iron preparations . . Seiden R. [digitized] 269
A case of sarcosporidiosis and actinomycosis in a horse . . Patyra W. [digitized] 271
Fibromata multiplex in the subcutaneous tissue of an elk Dziliński E. [digitized] 272
A case of coccidiosis in a dog Stójko A. [digitized] 273
Bacteriological classification of pasteurized canned meat in Poland Kafel S. [digitized] 274
Temptative use of the preparation „Combelen — Bayer" as a tranquilizer during the transports of pigs Walczak J. [digitized] 278
The haemagglutination reaction with the Fasciola hepatica antigen Sielicka B. [digitized] 279
The oedematous disease in the pig Samól S. [digitized] 284
Laboratory and field evaluation of the immunizing vaccine „R" against Newcastle disease Hauptman B., Larski Z. [digitized] 287
Influence of geoclimatic factors on the intensity of pasteurellcsis Zahaczewski J. [digitized] 289
Use of the plate agglutination method for the diagnosis of salmonelosis in the nutria Ugorski L. [digitized] 291
Anthrax in the Cracow province in 1945—1960 Korczak M. [digitized] 294
Influence of the tuberculin test on the result of the haemolytic reaction in cattle infected with tuberculosis Dziąba A. [digitized] 295
Urea as the food for cattle Voelkel Z. [digitized] 296
Utility of spoiled corn grain. Ill Part. Digestibility and assimilability of food ingredients of spoiled barley by pigs Lewicki C, Wójciak M. [digitized] 299
Infectious rhinitis atrophicans in pigs on the terrain of the Zielona Góra province Chwalibóg J.. Chwistek A. [digitized] 302
Inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva cured by strict diet Sczudłowska M. [digitized] 303
Caesarian section in the cow in the left flank Małkowski L. [digitized] 303
Metaplasia of the connective tissue into cartilaginous tissue in vascular transplants in dogs and the similarity of these lesions
to the spontaneous arteriosclerosis of the cardiac vessels in – taaJtoj
Michalski Z., Dorobisz T. [digitized] 304