Med. Weter. 14 (11), 641-704, 1958
Studies of the fauna in centres of epidemy of leptospiroses in the district Tomaszów Lubelski .... Zwierz J., Durlakowa I., Karmańska K.,
Zwierzchowski K., Łazuga A., Korczyńska K. [digitized] 647
Zwierzchowski K., Łazuga A., Korczyńska K. [digitized] 647
Studies of the fauna of terrains watered with guittecwaitsrs for the carrier state of leptospiroses Zwierz J., Karmańska K., Konarska D.,
Turkówna D., Scheller S. [digitized] 658
Turkówna D., Scheller S. [digitized] 658
Susceptibility of leptospira to antibiotics in vivo Durlakowa I., Sobiech T., Wachnik Z., Zwierz J. Zwierzchowski J. [digitized] 662
Impotentia coeundi in a bull caused by dysfunction of the M. retractor penis Senze A. [digitized] 685
The problem of the organisation of the District Departments of Veterinary Hygiene and the welfare of the profession Ratomski A., Szaflarski J.,
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 687
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 687