Med. Weter. 13 (1), 1-64, 1957


On the veterinary service in the light of changes, which took place in our country after the VIII Plenum of the Central Committee of the
Polish United Workers Party
Wisłocki M. [digitized] 1
Interpretation of results of serological examinations of cattle for brucellosis Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 6
Agglutination test, complement fixation test and ring test of milk in brucellosis of cattle Mrygoń J. [digitized] 9
Demodecosis of sheep Patyk S. & Kupi'owski M. [digitized] 12
Brucellosis of poultry. I. Critical review of literature (conclusion) Anczykowski F. [digitized] 14
Notes to the project of the change of the official classification of pig flesh affected with salmonellosis Kafel S. [digitized] 16
Cesarean section in cows with consideration of the authors, modification of the closure of the abdominal cavity
Senze A. & Raułuszkiewicz S.
[digitized] 21
Aetiology and therapy of inflammatory states of the reproductive organs with particular consideration of processes caused by haemolytic
Hoppe R., Domański E. & Dobrowolska A. [digitized] 27
Laparceaecotomy in horses Chwojnowski A. & Wędrychowicz S. [digitized] 29
Diagnosis of traumatic reticulitis Tymniak M. [digitized] 35
Cases of mass poisoning of poultry with common salt Bubień Z. [digitized] 40
Parturient fever caused by retention of after-birth • Malicki S. [digitized] 43
Separation and identification of the growth inhibiting factor from Poria obliqua Bres Janicki M. A. & Kołaczyk [digitized] 43