Med. Weter. 13 (3), 129-192, 1957
Recent views on pathogene¬sis of diseases of piglets breeding Janowski H. [digitized] 129
Rickettsia burneti (Q fever) in animal and human environment Kurzeja K. & Oies A. [digitized] 135
Trials on the purification of the virus of Teschen disease of pigs and antibodies of sera Szurman J. & Larski Z. [digitized] 139
The haemolytic reaction in the diagnosis of cattle tuberculosis Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 142
The test-tube agglutination with milk (APM) Anczykowski F. [digitized] 145
A note to inventory studies on the occurrence of brucellosis of pigs on the terrain of the Zielonagóra province Dubieńska W. [digitized] 146
Brucellosis of domesticated carnivores (dogs, cats) Szaflarski J. [digitized] 148
The ways of development of the science of heredity Olbrycht T. [digitized] 149
Treatment of eczema endogenes of dogs with pepton injections Utzig J., Wandokanty F. & Wartenberg L. [digitized] 153
Covering large losses of skin in horses by dermo-epidermic shreds implanted into the granulation tissue Żakiewicz M. [digitized] 158
Hormonal castration of open gilts Rodman M. [digitized] 163
A case of simultaneous abdominal and normal pregnancies Zioło T. [digitized] 164
Bezoars in the stomach of cattle Tymniak M. [digitized] 164
Electrophoretic method of partition of blood serum proteins Juśko-Grundboeck J. [digitized] 165
The protein fraction of the equine blood serum Działoszyński L. [digitized] 173
Cage for the collection of blood from the tail of mice Leziak K. & Chojna W. [digitized] 176