Med. Weter. 12 (3), 129-192, 1956
General criteria of rational tight against brucellosis in the light of pre¬sent achievements of science and practice Anczykowski F. [digitized] 129
Examinations of sheep for brucellosis in a Podhale fattening centre Doleżal M., Lutyński R. & Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 135
A selective medium for isolation of bacteria brucella from contaminated materials Kozłowski F. [digitized] 139
Bradsot in sheep in {he flock ,,J" of the State Agricultural Farm .,S" Stępkowski S. & Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 142
Salmonelosis of water birds in the casuistry of the District Department of Veterinary Hygiene Dąbrowski T. & Góreczny E. [digitized] 145
Fight against Swine fever on the terrain of Łódź district Jakucewicz S. & Ledowski J. [digitized] 151
Studies on the treatment of Trichomonas infected bulls Hoppe R., Markowski A.&Jaskowski L. [digitized] 163
A case of isolation of the microorganism of Erysope-lothrix rhusiapathiae in a 6-montly heifer Chwalibog J. & Wozniak D. [digitized] 170