Med. Weter. 12 (11), 641-704, 1956


Cases of vibriosis of cattle and sheep on the terrain of the Gdańsk province. Czarnowski A. [digitized] 641
Transmissibility of Brucella S. 19 in the light of periodical examinations of milk Decowski M. & Żórawski C [digitized] 645
Production of diagnostic sera in foot and mouth disease. Dzióbkiewicz H. & Baranowski C [digitized] 647
Brucellosis of poultry I. Critical review of literature Anczykowski F. [digitized] 649
Basis of animal — raw products in the light of the food industry requirements Konopiński T. [digitized] 653
The First Symposium of the International Association of Veterinary Food Hygiene, Utrecht Trawiński A. [digitized] 659
Antagonism between E. coli and S. pullorum — applied in practice Gaugusch Z. & Kafel S. [digitized] 662
Development of therapy with biological tissue préparâtes according to Fiłatow. Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 666
Use the modified galactose test in veterinary diagnosis Mazurczak J. & Tomicki Z. [digitized] 669
On blood transfusion in horses. Dziedziul S. [digitized] 672
Clinical observations on luminal-eunarcon anaesthesia in dogs Lewandowski M. [digitized] 673
Notes on the suitableness of novocain blockades in the treatment of surgical diseases of domesticated animals (continued). Klepaczko F. [digitized] 679
Castration of young bulls and rams by the method of subcutaneous ligature of spermatic cords. Pasternak — Winiarski Z. [digitized] 681
Foreign bodies in the oesopha of poultry Górski S. [digitized] 683
Complex investigations of digestion in domesticated animals in the light of Pavlov science Ganowski C [digitized] 683