Med. Weter. 11 (7), 385-448, 1955
A report from the XXIII session of the Office International des Epizooties, Paris Trawiński A. [digitized] 385
The titre of inhibition of immunity following intramuscular administration of crystal violet vaccine to 6 weeks old chickens Cąkałowa A.,
Teklińska M. & Karczewski W. [digitized] 393
Teklińska M. & Karczewski W. [digitized] 393
Distribution of microorganisms in gelatin in various phases of its production Kuźmicki A. [digitized] 405
Problems of tissue-therapy; extracts from spleen in the treatment of distemper of dogs Wachtnik Z. [digitized] 419
Various methods of surgical treatment of intravaginal inguinal hernia in boar-pigs and a description of the authors modification Ługowski T.
& Pielecki M. [digitized] 426
& Pielecki M. [digitized] 426
Dual character of hyperplastic lesions in the spleen and liver in the cat Kądziołka A. [digitized] 432