Med. Weter. 11 (9), 513-576, 1955


Actual problems of prophylaxis and control of salmonellosis of ducklins in Poland Brill J. [digitized] 513
Leptospirosis cf animals in Poland 521 Ganasiński R. Foot and mouth disease of animals Zwierz J. [digitized] 521
Foot and mouth disease in wild animals Ganasiński R. [digitized] 526
Swine fever in boars Kowalski J. [digitized] 530
Anthrax in Głubczyce area, district Opole Strzelecki B. [digitized] 530
On the mass invasion of Paramphistomum cervi in the rural area of O AnczykowskiF. & Chowaniec W. [digitized] 531
Principles of control of parasites in Productive Cooperatives and other agricultural husbandries Dowgiałło J. [digitized] 535
A note on the possibility of transmission of foulbrood by bee-wax Szkutnik Z. [digitized] 536
Development and requirements of zoohygiene in Poland Fitko R. [digitized] 538
Technology of animal products from the point of view of a veterinary surgeon. Problems of manufacture of rawproducts Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 543
Progress in the sphere of studies on vitamin E Maleszewski J. [digitized] 549
Perbronchol" — a new medicine produced in Poland in veterinary therapy Chwojnowski A. & Wędrychowicz S. ,, [digitized] 551
A case of fibro-osteoma in the omentum of a dog Markiewicz K. & Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 553
A case of hyperthermy in sheep Karwas S. [digitized] 554
A case of poisoning of horses with yew Grabski A. & Nowak Z. [digitized] 555
A case of nodular atrophic cirrhosis of liver in a dog Wojnarowski K. [digitized] 555
Diaphragmatic hernia of the liver in a pigv Luks J. [digitized] 555
Mechanical desinfection in veterinary practice Gruszecki S. [digitized] 556