Med. Weter. 11 (10), 577-640, 1955


The problems of pastures in the flight of contemporary aooecoliogy Sirzemski M. [digitized] 577
Trichinellosis Trawinski A. [digitized] 578
Localization of Trichomonas bovis in the urogenital organs of the bull586 Szaflarski J. et al. [digitized] 586
Tissue culture of the virus of Teschen disease of pigs Larski Z. [digitized] 589
Dependence of the interference phenomenon on the age of chickens vaccina¬ted with ... Karczewski W. et al. [digitized] 590
Oestriasis of sheep Grzywinski L. et al. [digitized] 593
Bedding and its role in hygiene of animals Janowski B. et al. [digitized] 597
The use of sour acidophilic milk in feeding animals Kaczmarek A. [digitized] 603
Artificial insemination of cattle and horses in Czechoslovakia Bielański W. [digitized] 608
Artificial insemination of goats Rosłanowski K. [digitized] 611
Notes on infertility of heifers and methods of combating it Bernard J. [digitized] 613
Influence of antistin on the viability of semen Orłowski T. [digitized] 618
A disease of muscles in ducklings Marek K. et al. [digitized] 619
A benign melanoma on the limb of a cow Donigiewicz K. [digitized] 620
Influence of feeding on the course of some diseases Grim J. [digitized] 622