Med. Weter. 10 (2), 53-116, 1954
Cooperation of veterinary sur¬geons in the organisation of a fodder base . Janowski B. [digitized] 53
Plate agglutination test in brucellosis of cattle Wiśniowski J., Kocowicz I. & Kamieńska M. [digitized] 56
Pneumonia caused by larvae of Protostrongylus commutatus in a hare -Czarnowski A. & Witkowski E. [digitized] 63
Complex studies of the life residence of a socialized farm Z. I. Introductory studies Anczykowski F. [digitized] 66
Influence of disinfection with some fluid antiseptics on the hatch of eggs Teklińska M. & Tekliński A. [digitized] 85
Observations on the treatment of impaction of large intestines in the horse Pinkie wiesz E. [digitized] 87
The use of antiparen in myoglo¬binuria in horses and hypocalcaemia in foals Tymniak M. [digitized] 90
The role of low temperature in the pathogenesis and therapy of Swine erysipelas Janiszewski J. [digitized] 93
Calcium oxysulfuratum solutum, the mode of its preparation and application in the treatment of scabies Perene A. [digitized] 93
Me¬thods of increasing vitality of embryos, chicks and young domestic birds Wiśniewska L. & Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 94
On lectures on the veterinary administration and laws at the Veterinary Faculties Lutyński W. [digitized] 95