Med. Weter. 9 (12), 529-576, 1953


Conference of Young Biologist at Kortów Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 529
Considerations on Swine Erysipelas and Swine Fever Ł Janowski H. [digitized] 532
Feeding of piglets during quarantine with various doses of high protein food Aleksandrowicz S., Łosiński T., Kraupe W. & Benedykciński S. [digitized] 538
The value of correct organoleptic classification for the sanitary-veterinary supervision Gaugusz Z. [digitized] 541
The use of rumen's content in the treatment of functional disorders of the rumen Stański F. & Stankiewicz G. [digitized] 543
Studies on the blood level of sulfamethazine in domestic animals Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 546
A new method of obtaining bone marrow from animals Krzymowski T. [digitized] 548
Mass poisoing of horses with zinc phosphide ZadüraJ. & Nieć L. [digitized] 550
Prolaps of the caecum through the anus Badura R. [digitized] 552
A case of invagination of thè intestine in a dog Wróblewski A. [digitized] 553
A case of successful treatment of louping ill in a sheep . Lachowicz S. [digitized] 554