Med. Weter. 9 (9), 385-431, 1953


Insemination as a factor in raising of animals Jaskowski L. [digitized] 385
Problems of infertility in domestic animals and its control Hoppe R. [digitized] 387
The role neuro-hormonal disturbances in infertile females Senze A. [digitized] 392
The physiology of fertilization Zebracki A. [digitized] 397
Antibiotics and sulphonamides in the work of an insemination centre Staskiewicz G. [digitized] 400
Artificial insemination of sheep Kardymowicz M. [digitized] 402
Principles of preservation of the bull's semen Jaskowski L. [digitized] 404
The organization of insemination Majewski T. [digitized] 407
The organization of centres of in¬semination of cows and their work Barlik T. [digitized] 409
An insemination centre Hryniewicz A. [digitized] 411
The Insemination Centre of the State Veterinary Institute at Trzçsacz and its role in the raising of the state of health of cattle Walkowski L. [digitized] 412
Artificial insemination in the Soviet Union Hoppe R. [digitized] 414