Med. Weter. 8 (7), 289-336, 1952
Diseases of young animals in the State Agricultural Farms Frankowski M. [digitized] 289
The role of calcium in the organism of cattle Chwojnowski A. [digitized] 291
Field and laboratory diagnosis of swine infleuenza Zulinski T. [digitized] 295
Carriers of Salmonella dublin among cattle Brill J. & Golebiowski B. [digitized] 299
The problem of infectious anaemia Rogalski L. [digitized] 303
Influence of functional changes of the thyroid gland on the utility value of domestic animals Wiśniewski T. [digitized] 304
Investigations on the thermal protec¬tion of furs of living rabbits Cena M. [digitized] 307
Biological basis of tissue therapy Juszkiewicz T. & Staskiewicz G. [digitized] 310
Surgical treatment of in¬testinal obliterations in horses Powazenko I. E. [digitized] 314
The vaccine against infectious vesicular dermatitis [digitized] 316
The State Veterinary Institute in Budapest Nawrocki J. [digitized] 316