Med. Weter. 7 (10), 649-720, 1951


Fiłatow, the creator of a new branch of tissue therapy Sierzpowski A. [digitized] 650
On anemia after the exclusive -diet of goat milk Parnas J. On the diagnosis cf Brucellosis of animals in the State Agricultural Farms Giędosz B.,
Kanarek M.
[digitized] 652
On the diagnosis of Brucellosis of animals in the State Agricultural Farms Parnas J. [digitized] 654
Recent observations on the phagocytosis of the alveolar cells of lungs Wawrzyniak M. [digitized] 655
New methods of immunization againts canine distemper Oyrzanowska J. [digitized] 657
Equine influenza Wędrychowicz S. [digitized] 660
Post-vaccination disease of dogs after anti-rabies vaccination and its aetiology Kocowicz I., Ratomski A., Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 665
Salmonellosis of nutria Szaflarski J., Meuszyński S., Buczowski Z. [digitized] 670
Fungal diseases of farm animals Janowski B. [digitized] 672
The use of Cartoon in therapeutics Zagórska D. [digitized] 676
The treatment of di¬seases of the external auditory canal in dogs Chwojnowski A. [digitized] 678