Med. Weter. 6 (2), 73-140, 1950


The fight against Swine erysipelas in 1950 [digitized] 73
On the shift of work in the direction of Michurin principles in the State Institute for the Control of Veterinary Remedies
in the Soviet Union
Kowalenko R. [digitized] 75
Proventriculitis et enteritis abscedens infectiosa gallinarum (Quail disease) Runge S., Chwojnowski A. [digitized] 77
25 years af the discovery of anatoxin by Gaston Ramon Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 80
Studies on Leptospirosis in silver foxes Żuliński T., Zadura J. [digitized] 83
The importance and value of agglutination and complement fixation test in the diagnosis of Brucellosis in catle Czarnowski A. [digitized] 85
A case of an enzootic course of rabies in animals Malingiewicz C [digitized] 86
Leukaemia in birds Dziekoński J. [digitized] 87
Some diseases transmissible from mammalians to domesticated birds Marek K. [digitized] 88