Med. Weter. 6 (8), 449-504, 1950
On the nature of viruses and bacteria Boszjan G. M. [digitized] 449
X-ray irradiations and heparmaemia, blood coagulation time and leukergy Stanski F., Kordecki R. [digitized] 453
Zoonotic parasitic diseases Trawiński A. [digitized] 456
On carriers of swine fever virus Fitko R. [digitized] 458
Enterohepatitis infectiosa of rumen in cattle Kuprowski M. [digitized] 461
Aetiological aspect and morbid anatomy of swine influenza .... Łosiński T. [digitized] 463
Bacteria of the Salmonella group in the diagno dow hay . Czarnowski A., Buczkowski Z. [digitized] 467
Thermoprecipitation test in pelothrix rhusiopathiae . Chwalibóg J. [digitized] 469