Med. Weter. 79 (3), 109-156, 2023

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Foot-and mouth disease and peste des petits ruminants – the role of wildlife... Niedbalski W. et al. [ summary ] 111
Fish as a source of foodborne bacteria Kobuszewska A., et al. [ summary ] 117


Current Energy and Lipid Metabolism Biomarkers in Sheep with Subclinical Öztürk M. Et al. [ summary ] 123
Comparison of the sensitivity of rapid tests, FCoV Ab (Vet Expert) and PCR ... Adaszek Ł., et al. [ summary ] 130
Effect of Selected Factors on Features of Short-Term Social Isolation... Jastrzębska E., et al. [ summary ] 134
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Enterocytozoon... Sun T-B., et al. [ summary ] 142
Comparison of Antioxidant Activity, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Terzioğlu M.E. [ summary ] 148


Wypadnięcie macicy u alpaki – opis przypadku Wochnik M., et al. [ summary ] 153