105/24 - Investigation of the Effects of Pentane, Hexane, Heptane, and Octane on Bovine Skin Papillomatosis Doğan E., et al.summary 105/24
120/24 - Applıcatıon of PLS-SEM ın assessment of the effect of anımal welfare Saraçoğlu M., et al.summary 120/24
132/24 - Mir-208 inhibits cardiomyocyte apoptosis in acute myocardial ... Wang L., et al.summary 132/24
136/24 - Effect of early weaning on behaviour, blood immunological parameters ... Migdał A., et al.summary 136/24
146/24 - Evaluation of methods and results of training of ancient breed dogs kept by different ... Jastrzębska E., et al.summary 146/24
149/24 - Complex case of ejaculatory failure in a stallion Pozor M.A., et al.summary 149/24
151/24 - Animal Welfare in the Polish Veterinary Code of Ethics Versus Selected ... Tracz M., et al.summary 151/24
155/24 - Veterinary expert opinions in animal latent defects cases: What is the ... Dzikowski A., et al.summary 155/24
156/24 - Is it malpractice or medical failure…? Legal analysis of veterinary errors ... Dzikowski A,. et al.summary 156/24
158/24 - Cryopreservation of mare’s embryos obtained in vivo. Profaska M., et al.summary 158/24
160/24 - Use of the MALDI-TOF technique to identify the cause of pericardial effusion ... xxxxxxxxxxsummary 160/24
162/24 - Animal cruelty includes the improper management of dairy cattle. A case study Dzikowski A,. et al.summary 162/24
163/24 - Morphometric characteristics of thyroid C cells in cattle, dogs, horses, and pigs Sokołowska J.summary 163/24
001/25 - Effect of BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy on body surface temperature ... M. Soroko-Dubrobina, et al.summary 001/25
002/25 - Administrative Procedure in Committees for Ethics in Animal Research in Poland Dzikowski A.summary 002/25
003/25 - Individual independent veterinary expert opinions. Trends of 25 years ... Dzikowski A,. et al.summary 003/25
004/25 - Role of Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Derivatives in Body Weight Regulation... Janicka L., et al.summary 004/25
017/25 - Dermoscopic assessment of the skin and its formations in Polish sport horses ... Pomorska-Zniszczyńska A., et al.summary 017/25
034/25 - Professor Karol Klaudiusz Wiszniewski (1805-1863): 220th anniversary of the birth ... Zhvanko L., et al.summary 034/25
037/25 - Is a holistic approach to the treatment of enteropathy justified in poultry? Koncicki A., et al.summary 037/25