Medycyna Wet. 67 (10), 665-668, 2011

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Żakowska D., Bartoszcze M., Niemcewicz M., Bielawska-Drózd A.
New methods of inhibiting B. anthracis infections
To date, antibiotics have been the primary drugs used in the treatment of anthrax infections. However, their effectiveness is questionable, especially during the phase of intensive toxin production in the course of infection, and the number of drug-resistant strains continues to rise. Successful treatment of anthrax infection is therefore becoming more difficult. The article discusses some of the new methods of inhibiting anthrax infections: the inhibition of spore germination and of the attachment of PA to the host cell receptor, the inhibition of the enzymatic process of cleaving PA into PA63 and PA20, and of PA63 oligomerization, endocytosis and translocation (their influence on the protection of macrophages against lysis was also discussed). In addition, the neutralization of B. anthracis LeTx and EdTx toxins was presented as another potential method of inhibiting anthrax infections.
Keywords: toxins, anthrax infection, inhibition