Med. Weter. 72 (2), 113-124, 2016

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Tokarz-Deptuła B., Niedźwiedzka-Rystwej P., Adamiak M., Hukowska-Szematowicz B., Trzeciak-Ryczek A., Deptuła W.
Values of haematological parameters in mixed-breed rabbits
The aim of the study was to establish reference values for the haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit level, and the numbers of erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leucocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and monocytes in the peripheral blood of mixed-breed rabbits and of mixed-breeds with the addition of meat breed blood, taking into account the impact of the season (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and the sex of the animals. The study was performed on 200 mixed-breed rabbits and 200 mixed-breed rabbits with the addition of meat breeds. The results show that the parameters differed between the two groups. The haematocrit value and the numbers of leucocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophils and monocytes were lower in mixed-breed rabbits than they were in mixed-breed rabbits with the addition of meat breed blood, whereas the numbers of thrombocytes and neutrophils were higher in mixed-breed rabbits than they were in the other group. These values were similar to those obtained previously for unspecified rabbits and to reference values for New Zealand rabbits. The season of the year had a different impact on the values examined in the two groups: small in the mixed-breed group and more significant in the other. In both groups, the effect of the season was more noticeable in spring and summer. It was also shown that the sex had a moderate impact on the haematological parameters examined in both groups of rabbits.
Key words: rabbits, values of haematological parameters, season of the year, sex