Med. Weter. 42 (10), 577-640, 1986


Enteroviruses of pigs Kozioł T., Buczek J. [digitized] 579
Clostridium perfringens C aetiological agent of enzootic enterotoxemia in suckling piglets Cygan Z., Tereszczuk S., Pejsak Z., Tarasiuk K.,
Chwestiuk W., Tomaszewska M.
[digitized] 583
Altered agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test and its ' application in the diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosis Wawrzkiewicz J., Płatakis J.,
Dziedzic B.
[digitized] 587
The role of cell membranes polysaccharides (glycoproteins and glycolipids) in patogénesis of lymphatic bovine leukosis Madej J. A. [digitized] 590
Prenatal infection of calves with bovine leukosis virus Łosieczka K. [digitized] 595
Criteria of food quality . . Prost E. [digitized] 597
Studies on the occurrence and etiology of tuberculous lesions in the pig lymphnodes of the Lublin region Kwiatek K., Żórawski C, Wojtoń B.,
Skwarek P.
[digitized] 600
Influence of freezing on the survival rate and thermoresistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Stańczak B., Szulc M. [digitized] 603
Investigations on the possibility of growth of selected bacteria in bottled milk during its storage in retail Kafel S., Radkowski M. [digitized] 606
Influence of weaning time on the level of immunoglobulins in sera of calves Rzedzicki J., Trawińska B. [digitized] 609
The influence of a dose of atropine on the efficacy of a prophylactic mixture physostigmine+atropine+diazepam in mice intoxicated with
Gajewski D., Komorowski T. [digitized] 613
Bacterial contamination of imported semen Wierzbowski S., Wayda E. [digitized] 615
Artificial insemination of rabbits using minitubes and frozen semen at low temperatures Dubiel A., Krôlinski J., Weitze K.-P., Pilch J. [digitized] 618
The influence of en-vironmental conditions on the effectiveness of pheasant chickens rearing in a foil tunnel Dobrzański Z., Mazurkiewicz M.,
Jamroz D., Nicpoń J.
[digitized] 621
The influence of cholesterole-fatty died on activity of acetylocholinę acylhydrolase (, aspartic aminotransferase ( and alanine
aminotransferase ( a total protein content, fat and cholesterole in cell-free extracts of liver and plasma of cocks
Mierzejewski T.,
Misky-Pietrzak R.,
Sobieraj E.
[digitized] 626
Absorption of ascorbic acid from intestines of chickens and the influence of choline chloride on this process Nagórna-Stasiak B.,
Łazuga-Adamczyk A., Kołodyńska M.
[digitized] 631