Med. Weter. 69 (9), 572-573, 2013

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Max A., Wawryka C., Sysa P.
Ectopic pregnancy in a cat
Ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal embryonic/fetal location. In animals this pathology occurs mostly as an extrauterine abdominal pregnancy. This paper describes a case of an abdominal pregnancy in a cat. Initially, two live fetuses were diagnosed. One month later, explorative laparotomy revealed dead encapsulated, underdeveloped fetuses in the peritoneal cavity. The uterus seemed intact. Histological examination of eight longitudinal and transverse uterine samples did not reveal connective tissue as a remnant of the scar. However, this finding does not exclude the possibility of a previous uterine rupture, since uterine tissues may have regenerated without a visible trace of an earlier trauma.
Key words: fetal mortality, ectopic pregnancy, cat