Med. Weter. 34 (12), 705-768, 1978


Necrotic dermatitis of the posterior part of the interdigital space and bulbs as an acute form of foot rot in cattle Żakiewicz M., Janicki A. J.,
Kleine W.
[digitized] 705
Diaphragma rupture in small animals Bronicki M. [digitized] 709
Gall stones in the polar bear (Thalarc tos maritimus) Małecki G. [digitized] 710
Catecholamines in blood of livestock Barowicz T., Ewy Z. [digitized] 711
Physiological values of certain blood parameters in cats Komar E. [digitized] 718
Studies on the distribution of Zinc radioisotope 65Zn in an organism of pig Nowosad R., Simoni J., Kubok-Gottlieb Ł. [digitized] 720
Isolation of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR) from beef cattle with the symptoms of pneumonia Kit a J. [digitized] 723
A case of contagious ecthyma in sheep . Dzierżawski A., Baczyński Z., Wiśnicki K [digitized] 725
The agar gel precipitation in diagnosis of Gumboro disease . Lisowska K., Lisowski K [digitized] 727
Economical effects of swine sarcosporidiosis Deryło A., Kinka R. [digitized] 729
Stability of tinned food from pigs radiated with various doses of ionizing rays . Kossakowska A., Kossakowski S., Widenska T„ Wojtoń B. [digitized] 731
The application of synthetic gestagens to the control of reproductive functions in the Japanese quail Niezgoda J., Mazur I., Bryk J. [digitized] 737
In vitro maturition of mammals oocytes Kątska L. [digitized] 740
Zoohygienic examinations of industrial pig farms Majewski T., Tymczyna L, [digitized] 743
The influence of congenering feeding on the level of beta-carotens, vitamin A and nitrites in the serum of cattle Łuczak Z. [digitized] 746