Med. Weter. 14 (10), 577-639, 1958


XXVI Session of the Office International des Epizootics Trawiński A. [digitized] 577
Studies on the value of tuberculin cattle PPD and birds PPD produced by „Biowet" Puławy as compared with tuberculin mammals PPD and birds
PPD produced at Weybridge
Chodkowski A., Kozłowski F. & Lipiński S [digitized] 586
Abatoirs in the German Federal Republic Pezacki W. [digitized] 589
Demodex folliculorum var. suis from the point of view of hygiene of food products Malwińska K. [digitized] 597
Some notes on the Small Polish Horse and its breeding in preservation areas Zwoliński J. [digitized] 598
Preliminary studies on the nutrition value of horn meal and keratin hydrolysate Wójciak M. [digitized] 606
Influence of fungi on the genus Aspergillus and Pénicillium on the development of Tyroglyphus farina Sożyński J., Szwabowicz A.
& Międzobrodzki K.
[digitized] 608
New methods of anaesthesia and incision of the abdominal wall used at rumenotomy Szeligowski E. [digitized] 612
Influence of hydrolysate of ke-ratin on the healing of experimental wounds Juszkiewicz T., Niemczycka - Węgrzyn S. [digitized] 617
Osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the bone marrow of the hen Grundboeck M. [digitized] 620
Applicability of Salomos' method for the determination of sugar in the blood of dogs Markiewicz K. & Stankiewicz W. [digitized] 623