Medycyna Wet. 68 (3), 152-156, 2012

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Budniak S., Kędrak-Jabłońska A., Szulowski K., Szczawińska A., Reksa M.
Pasteurellosis in rabbits – the current state of knowledge
Pasteurellosis in rabbits is caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. The serotypes 3 or 12 strains of P. multocida, representing diverse virulence and pathogenicity, are most frequently separated from rabbits. P. multocida causes a variety of clinical syndromes, including acute and chronic rhinitis, pneumonia, otitis media, infections of the genital tract, localized abscesses and septicemia. The fight against pasteurellosis is based on two strategies: elimination of carriers and sick animals from breeding and the improvement of environmental conditions. As the disease is caused by various serotypes, vaccination becomes difficult. Immunity against one serotype does not necessarily result in protection against a heterologous serotype. A detailed description of the ethiopatology, clinical and anatomopathological manifestations, diagnosis, therapy and control of the disease has been presented in the paper
Keywords: Pasteurella multocida, pasteurellosis, rabbits