Medycyna Wet. 66 (10), 663-667, 2010

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Antończyk A, Niżański W., Twardoń J., Kozdrowski R., Ochota M., Błasiak K, Mikołajewska N., Stańczyk E,
Current views on computer assisted sperm analysis
Until recently, assessment of sperm quality was based on subjective evaluation of parameters such as semen concentration, motility and morphological abnormalities. These methods are influenced by many factors: temperature, evaluator skills and experience, the number of evaluated spermatozoa, difference in sample preparation, etc. Consequently high variations were reported in the estimation of semen quality of the same ejaculate assessed by different observers. Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA), based on individual spermatozoon assessment, offer an accurate and rapid calculation of different semen parameters, such as total motility, progressive motility, linearity, several velocity parameters and morphology. The development and problems related to using CASA technology are raised in this review.
Key words: semen, computer assisted sperm analysis