Medycyna Wet. 64 (3), 365-369, 2008
Wielądek A., Kupczyńska M.
Occipital dysplasia in Yorkshire terrier dogs – morphometric criteria
The aim of the study was to describe the morphology of the foramen magnum and the first cervical vertebra in Yorkshire terrier dogs, in which a keyhole-shaped foramen magnum had been recognized. Its aim was also to determine parameters for anatomical structures of the craniocervical junction which have an effect on occipital dysplasia. The study examined cadavers of three adult (female) Yorkshire terrier dogs, fixed in 10% formaldehyde. All dogs had been euthanized at the request their owners: nr 1 because of neurologic symptoms; nr 2 and 3 were neurologically asymptomatic dogs. The degree of skull index (IC), occipital index (IPF), dysplasia (ISD), notch index (IWD), foramen magnum index (IOW) and new biometric criterions introduced by the authors of the study i.e. atlas index (IC1) and dens of axis index (IZC2) were determined. The study showed that the foramen magnum index provides direct numerical information about the size and shape of the foramen. The foramen magnum index discriminates neurologically symptomatic dogs from asymptomatic dogs. Nonetheless, all four indices used in craniometry should be calculated. The results of the research indicated that occipital dysplasia has an effect on the stability of the craniocervical junction, and, therefore, atlas index IC1 and dens of axis index IZC2 should be determined.
Keywords: dog, occipital dysplasia