Medycyna Wet. 64 (2), 219-222, 2008
Noszczyk-Nowak A., Skrzypczak P., Biały D., Nicpoń J., Mazurek W.
Model of experimental atherosclerosis of iliac arteries in rabbits
The aim of the study was to elaborate an effective method of triggering iliac artery atherosclerosis in rabbits. The authors applied a diet rich in fat, not based on cholesterol. Investigations were performed on 18 White New Zealand breed rabbits. After 3 weeks of adjustment, morphological and biochemical blood analysis was carried out: ALT activity, AST activity, urea, creatynine, cholesterol and its fraction (LDL, HDL), triglycerides (TGL), bilirubin and protein. Next, a diet rich in fat with 7% arachnid oil was administered to the rabbits. After 8 weeks the blond test was carried out again and indicated a significant increase in cholesterol concentration and LDL, following which the procedure of injuring the iliac artery was performed. Control blood analysis and iliac arteriography were performed after 12 weeks. A significant continuous increase in cholesterol concentration and LDL in the biochemical blood analysis was observed. Angiography indicated the narrowing of both iliac arteries in 12 rabbits (66.6%) and the narrowing of one artery in 6 rabbits (33.3%). Injuring the endothelium of the iliac arteries by means of a balloon used for angioplasty in hypercholestero-lemia leads to narrowing the vessel lumen. This method of experimental atherosclerosis in vessels is a good one for further research into this pathology.
Keywords: rabbit, atherosclerosis