Medycyna Wet. 63 (5), 557-560, 2007
Dąbrowski R.
Parameters of non-specific immunity after ovariohysterectomy in bitch
Ovariohysterectomy is the treatment of choice for pyometra and a common contraceptive method for bitches. The effectiveness of preventing the postoperative complications depends largely on the proper monitoring of the health condition of bitches. The non-specific immunity parameters in the postoperative period are evaluated using the NBT test as well as determining the phagocytic index, percentage of phagocytizing cells, lysozyme activity, serum levels of total protein and its globulin fraction. Our study shows that the values of selected parameters of non-specific immunity provide valuable information concerning the end of inflammatory reaction caused by the discontinuity of tissues in the normal postoperative course. Moreover, the data obtained indicate that such parameters may be used in routine diagnostic procedures of early postoperative complications.
Keywords: bitches, pyometra, ovariohysterectomy