Medycyna Wet. 63 (2), 224-227, 2007
Niżnikowski R., Popielarczyk D., Strzelec E., Wójtowski J., Danków R., Pikul J., Gosławski W., Kuczyńska B.
Evaluating the chemical composition of ovine colostrums within 6 hrs after lambing and the influence of its milking on chosen performance parameters in offspring
The aim of the study conducted on Pomeranian and Corriedale sheep (50 ewes both of each breed) was to establish the chemical composition of colostrums. The ewes were milked within 6 h after lambing and colostrums collected. The somatic cells count in 1 ml of colostrums was additionally examined. The rearing parameters of Corriedale lambs were examined in experimental (milked) and control (not milked) groups composed of 50 and 83 ewes respectively. Furthermore, the influence of colostrums milking on the body development and body weight of lambs was ascertained. Milking ewes showed the potential to obtain 0.20 and 0.56 kg of colostrums from Corriedale and Pomeranian sheep, respectively within 6 h after lambing. Different levels of change in fat content were observed in the colostrum of Pomeranian and Corriedale sheep and indicated the diversity of these two breeds in this field of investigation. The direction of changes of other colostrum components was similar to these referred to in literature. The negative influence of milking colostrum on both lambs’ rearing parameters as well as their growth rate and body development, particularly day 28 of postnatal life. The results of this study indicate that milking ewes within 6 hr after lambing may negatively influence the mortality and rearing of lambs.
Keywords: sheep, colostrum