Medycyna Wet. 62 (9), 1016-1019, 2006
Piórkowski J., Nozdryn-Płotnicki Z., Listos P.
Pathomorphological diagnosis of neoplastic changes in dog’'s prostate
The aim of the examinations was to define the kinds of neoplastic changes in dog's prostate using biopsy techniques and histopathological method. Fifty dog's prostates which were received during the post mortem examination were used for the examination. In 14 cases neoplastic changes were diagnosed, 4 cases evidenced purulent inflammation, 17 no neoplastic growth, and 15 prostates had a normal structure. In this article these two described below methods of pathomorphological diagnosis are compared, simultaneously demonstrating their usefulness and the complete agreement of received results.
Keywords: dog, prostate, neoplasma