Medycyna Wet. 62 (1), 40-42, 2006
Altunatmaz K., Saroglu M., Guzel O.
Retained endochondral ossification of the distal ulnar growth plate in dogs
The aim of the study was an early diagnosis of bones with retained endochondral ossification through clinical and radiological examinations, in order to determine the factors causing the etiology of disease and to indicate necessary precautions to be taken in the prophylaxis of the resulting possible deformations. This study comprised of 51 dogs of different breeds, age and genders, brought to the clinic and complaining of gait abnormality or abnormal bone structure and which were subsequently diagnosed with retained endochondral ossification. Radiological examination indicated that while varying degrees of retained endochondral ossification were observed in the distal ulnar growth plates in all cases, retained endochondral ossification was present in the distal radial growth plate together with the ulna in one case and in all the growth plates in another case. It was established that 22 cases had left their mothers at an early age and been fed meat products and that 17 cases had received additional calcium and phosphorus in their diets. Following clinical and radiological examination, bilateral carpal valgus was diagnosed in 43 cases and bilateral carpal varus in 8 cases. Radius curvus deformation was also observed in cases where the condition had lasted for a long time. Ulnar ostectomy was performed in 18 cases diagnosed with retained endochondral ossification in the ulna and had not yet reached maturity. Seventeen cases in which the lesions were only in the beginning phase were treated by a change of diet. It was concluded that growth ceased temporarily in bones with retained endochondral ossification and that measures should be taken to avoid possible deformation, and, additionally, that feeding played a significant role in the etiology of the disease.
Keywords: Retained endochondral ossification, ulna, growth plate, dog